Lödige: Providing opportunities to the next generation of engineers

By recognizing the importance of young and fresh ideas, we have embarked on a mission to provide opportunities to the next generation of engineers.

Goods lifts for the return of the hospitality sector

As the hospitality industry recovers from lockdowns, efficiency is essential for commercial goods lifts

Lödige Industries delivers first automated catering storage and transportation system in mainland China

Chengdu's new airport launches automated catering facility

Large goods lifts for national distribution centre provides permanent solutions

At Lödige we’ve been working on a challenging project in Stoke at a nationwide distribution centre looking to maintain a well-run facility.


How reliable commercial lifts could help save Christmas

This Christmas, freight, logistics, retail, and e-commerce sectors are all facing challenges, with driver and staff shortages being top of the list.…

Moving out of London - underground parking needed for a generation moving out of the capital

Lödige is starting to see the effects of the general residential shift away from the country’s capital, as more and more people are moving to towns…

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