United Kingdom

Goods Lifts in London Supermarkets

Lödige have recently finished the installation of two goods lifts for a major supermarket on the outskirts of London.

London Car Lifts

There are currently 6 different projects with car lifts that are being installed in and around London by Lödige UK.

United Kingdom

6 Stops in No Time

Lödige UK have recently secured a project with a 14 metre goods lift in Kent. This warehouse lift will serve 6 floors and move at a speed of 0.2…

How Much Damage can a Fork Lift Make to Goods?

Lödige can advise on solutions to improve safety and speed within your warehouse and manufacturing facility.

Can a Lorry Lift Reduce Traffic?

What impact does a rubbish truck or delivery van have on a main road when stopping outside a building for 5 minutes?

SERWA Mezzanine Lift in the Midlands

Lödige UK have received another order for the new SERWA mezzanine goods lift.

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