Goods Lift Installation in Glasgow

We have just completed the installation of a Goods Lift for a large national retail client in Glasgow.

Goods Lift installation in Portsmouth

We have just completed the installation of a Goods Lift for a large national retail client at their store in Portsmouth, Hampshire.

Goods Lift Installation in Lincoln

We have just completed the installation of a Goods Lift for a large national retail client at some new premises in Lincoln. From receipt of an…

Next car park system from Lödige Industries will open to public in January 2018

In the middle of September we restarted site works at Bryghusprojekt BLOX.

Automated parking system in Aarhus, DOKK1


Lödige Industries supplies Europe’s largest automated car park in Aarhus, Denmark

Searching for a parking space is often tedious and time consuming in busy and crowded cities, but now this is a thing of the past.

Another First Time Fix From The Service Team

From telephone call to operational lift in only 1 ½ hours

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